
Reiki Attunements – are they needed? What about self attunements?

For those who may not know, an attunement in Reiki is basically a short ceremony that enables a student to channel Reiki healing energy at the level the student is studying.  Attunements are often done face-to-face though are sometimes done at distance in person or at distance on-line.  Both are effective but some insurers and professional organisations only recognise face to face/in person attunements and courses.

I’ve unexpectedly been involved in conversations about attunements in the last few weeks, with an experienced Reiki teacher and an experienced practitioner.  The teacher said, “You don’t need an attunement – you only really need one for insurance/professional organisations,” and the practitioner said a teacher had told her you don’t need an attunement.

So whilst I’m familiar with the concept of self-attunements, I’ve again reflected and am drawn to share my thoughts as an experienced Reiki Trainer/Holistic Therapist with extensive work/life experience.

  1. If you don’t experience an attunement, how can you be sure you’re channeling Reiki?
  2. If you opt for self attunement or a course with an on-line learning centre, are there sources of support available to you should your personal development bring up any challenges?
  3. Given we live in a litigious society, is it not reasonable for an insurance company to expect to see some form of proof (i.e. a certificate from a teacher) that a learner has completed a course of training and received an attunement?
  4. Is it not logical for professional organisations, whose aim is to set standards of practice for practitioners and teachers, to request sight of certificates?
  5. It’s worthwhile remembering that when a teacher quotes fees for Reiki training courses, those fees aren’t solely for an attunement. They include many (if not all) of the following:-
  • length of time spent in training
  • room hire
  • cost of creating/updating manuals (or purchasing them)
  • cost involved in creating training plans and training materials
  • refreshments
  • free of charge ongoing, potentially lifelong support which often includes a monthly share (f2f or online), alongside support via email as well as phone/text/messenger/whatsapp.

Again, I’ve concluded I enjoy offering attunements and experiencing them and will continue to offer them as part of my Reiki training courses.  If you’ve got any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you’re curious about Reiki training, just trust your instincts when deciding with whom you want to make this important investment.

Good wishes to you. 


So what is an Altar?

I’ve been spring cleaning at home which led me to ponder altars.  An altar can be a very personal thing and you don’t have to be religious to have one.  Making an altar can help you shift your energy and attract positive things into your life.

An altar may be described as a point of reference for you/your mind and is a collection of special or sacred items that can help you create time for yourself, can help you focus on positive energy, can guide you towards peace and balance, and guide you towards finding answers to your questions.

An altar doesn’t have to be full of memorabilia, it can be a simple space where for instance you may just place some candles, a flower, some crystals, and a picture of a special person/deity and so on.  When selecting objects to place on your altar, select items you find uplifting and that help you feel connected to a sense of hope and love.

An altar could simply be placed on a shelf that you sit by when you’re meditating.  I’ve got one in my lounge that’s atop my bookcase!

Remember, there is No Wrong Way to build an altar.